Search: Keyword(s): programming language

Is AutoIt a programming language? What's the difference between a programming language and a scripting language. AutoIt seems quite complex. There are a lot of things you can do in it. The code ca...
Wikipedia says: A programming language is a machine-readable artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languag...
TL;DR; What are shell scripts? Is it a programming language / is there a programming language we use in shell scripts? disclaimer: a bit offtopic So bash stands for Bourne-again shell. A (Unix) S...
Recently I've starting a project I'm calling 'JIL' or JIL Interfacing Language, and it's to be a programming language of sorts. Now, I doubt it will ever be super-useful or versatile, but the aim o...
I created a programming language and wrote it in my computer. It is an experimental non-professional programming language that I created for fun. A language needs the most important thing, a compi...
Is there a programming language that measures everything? For instance, I would like to measure how much memory was allocated, the number of operations used (in terms of cycles), and time spent on...
What does it mean that a programming language is a formal programming language? And which languages are formal programming languages? And which are informal programming languages? I haven't found ...
This question is just something that I have been thinking about lately. Can a programming language be written in that language as a second implementation? e.g. Java. Is it possible to rewrite the j...
I need to detect which programming language is used in a code snippet, there is any library to do this? I already read this Detecting programming language from a snippet, but I rather use a tested...
What exactly is behind the notion of "sequential programming language" ? I couldn't find a proper / deep description for that. I clearly see what a sequential algorithm is, but a programming langu...


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